What if Consciousness is the essence of the universe?


Books Edited by Marjorie Woollacott

About Marjorie

Marjorie Woollacott, Ph.D., is an Emeritus Professor and prior chair of the Dept. of Human Physiology, and member of the Institute of Neuroscience, at the University of Oregon. She taught courses in neuroscience and rehabilitation, as well as complementary medicine and meditation. She is President of the Academy for the Advancement of Post-Materialist Sciences (AAPS), Research Director for the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and Co-Director of the Galileo Commission, a part of the Scientific and Medical Network (SMN).

About Marjorie

Marjorie Woollacott, Ph.D., is an Emeritus Professor and prior chair of the Dept. of Human Physiology, and member of the Institute of Neuroscience, at the University of Oregon. She taught courses in neuroscience and rehabilitation, as well as complementary medicine and meditation. She is President of the Academy for the Advancement of Post-Materialist Sciences (AAPS), Research Director for the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and Co-Director of the Galileo Commission, a part of the Scientific and Medical Network (SMN).

Research Areas

Spiritual Awakening


Near Death Experiences


Balance & Gait Rehabilitation

Motor Control

Motor Control, 5th Edition remains the only book available that bridges the gap between current and emerging motor control research and its application to clinical practice. Written by leading experts in the field, this now classic resource prepares readers to effectively examine and treat patients with problems related to postural control, mobility, and upper extremity function using today's evidence-based best practices.

Praise for Marjorie’s Work

Infinite Awareness

«This remarkably engaging account by a prominent brain scientist of her personal spiritual odyssey both describes and contributes to a rapidly emerging revolution in how we think about our minds, our selves, and our existence».

—Edward F. Kelly, professor of research, Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia

Expanding Science

«Science is undergoing fundamental change. Materialism, which has been its foundation for several centuries, is giving way to a new paradigm in which consciousness is understood to be causal and fundamental. Expanding Science is a benchmark in this process of change».

—Stephan A. Schwartz, author of The 8 Laws of Change and Opening to the Infinite

Is Consciousness Primary?

«A provocative discussion by many of the leading scholarly proponents of the view that consciousness extends in the universe in ways typically dismissed by most scientists».

—Jonathan Schooler, Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences University of California, Santa Barbara

Latest News

The Science of Consciousness Conference and Festival of Consciousness 2025 barcelonaMarjorie will be leading a Workshop on Women in Consciousness Studies at The Science of Consciousness Conference
 6-11, 2025

the-festival-of-consciousnessMarjorie will be a Keynote speaker at The Consciousness Festival Barcelona, Spain

July 12-13, 2025

Dr. Woollacott has been appointed the Research Director of the International Association of Near Death studies (IANDS)
(2017 – present)

Dr. Woollacott is co-founder and President of the Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences (AAPS).

mw-news-who-we-areDr. Woollacott is interviewed in the DOCUMENTARY: “WHO WE ARE” by Anthony Chene.

Featured Video

Featured Podcast

Having the Courage NOT to be Relevant,
Behind Greatness by Inspire North

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Speaking & Workshops

Dr. Woollacott is a featured speaker at workshops and conferences related to both rehabilitation medicine and also consciousness, meditation and mystical experiences. She discusses the reductions and changes in brain activity associated with such phenomena as near-death experiences, deep meditation, and psilocybin neuro-modulation. She has been a keynote speaker at the International Association for Near Death Studies as well as other conferences in the North America, Europe and New Zealand.

Speaking & Workshops

Dr. Woollacott is a featured speaker at workshops and conferences related to both rehabilitation medicine and also consciousness, meditation and mystical experiences. She discusses the reductions and changes in brain activity associated with such phenomena as near-death experiences, deep meditation, and psilocybin neuro-modulation. She has been a keynote speaker at the International Association for Near Death Studies as well as other conferences in the North America, Europe and New Zealand.

Featured Articles

Scientific publications featuring Dr. Woollacott’s research on the nature of consciousness:

The Mystical Experience and its Neural Correlates

Despite their different etiologies, three types of spiritually transformative experiences (STEs)—near-death experiences, psilocybin experiences, and meditative experiences of cosmic consciousness—appear to have attributes that are common to a broad range of mystical experiences, including an experience of expanded awareness.


Latest Blog Post

Our Models of Consciousness: How They Shape Our Reality

Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined. (Definitons.net). What determines the nature of our lived reality? It is determined by our experiences, our direct observations. Yet for the most part, we go through life with no awareness of how or why we…

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